5 sleep disorders and how to treat them

One of the most basic human needs is sleep. We all need it to maintain optimal health. Sleep affects our hormone levels, mood, and even our weight. However, getting proper sleep is easier said than done, due to a variety of sleep disorders. 

Sleep disorders may be caused by stress, underlying health problems, or even due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Below are the most common sleep disorders people face, along with simple strategies to help you find relief. 


Sleep disturbance, commonly known as insomnia, is defined by difficulty falling or staying asleep and thus, leading to insufficient rest. People living with insomnia also exhibit daytime fatigue and may have difficulties functioning when awake.

Insomnia is one of the most common types of sleep disorders. It affects around 30% of the world’s population and is mainly caused by prolonged stress or even depression. 

To combat insomnia, try to create a consistent sleep schedule where you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Establish an effective bedtime ritual such as reading or taking a hot bath; this will let your body know it's time for rest. Try to avoid stimulating activities, caffeine consumption, or electronics before bed. You can also try sleep music therapy before you sleep with the Sona app. 

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition where people temporarily stop breathing during their sleep, leading to interrupted REM cycles and excessive daytime fatigue. 

Sleep apnea may be caused by diabetes, high blood pressure, or obstruction of the heart.

It is best to consult a doctor if you experience these symptoms, in addition to lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding alcohol and sedatives, and sleeping on your side.

Restless legs syndrome

Restless legs syndrome is another sleep disorder that causes an irresistible and intense urge to move the legs. This is also accompanied by uncomfortable sensations to the body like burning or tingling. 

Restless leg syndrome is suspected to be hereditary. It may also be caused by low iron levels in the brain.

To alleviate symptoms, establish a regular sleep routine and engage in moderate exercise during the day. Avoid caffeine and nicotine, as they can worsen symptoms. Applying warm or cold packs, practicing relaxation techniques, and massaging your legs before bed may also provide relief.


Narcolepsy is a nerve disorder that causes excessive daytime sleepiness and sudden, uncontrollable sleep attacks. It is caused by a lack of Hypocretin; a brain chemical, which regulates wakefulness in our bodies. 

There is no medical cure for narcolepsy. However, certain lifestyle adjustments can help manage symptoms. Establishing a regular sleep schedule, taking short scheduled naps, and practicing good sleep hygiene may be beneficial. Avoiding heavy meals and stimulating activities close to bedtime may also help.


sleepwalking is a condition where a person walks or performs complex activities while asleep. Sleepwalking may result from excessive fatigue. However, it is suspected to be hereditary.

To reduce the occurrence of sleepwalking episodes, ensure a safe sleeping environment by removing obstacles and securing windows and doors in your home. Establish a relaxing bedtime ritual to improve the quality of sleep and reduce anxiety levels that could otherwise trigger sleepwalking. Stressful situations should also be minimized since this can contribute to sleepwalking.

Final thoughts

Sleep disorders are serious detriments to our well-being, yet there are strategies we can implement to ease their impact and promote better restful nights. 

By adopting healthy sleeping habits, making lifestyle modifications, and seeking professional assistance when necessary, we can gain more control and begin sleeping soundly again.

Sleep music therapy is a powerful tool. listen to science-backed restorative music and download the Sona app by Visiting https://sona.care/


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